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There's Someone Inside Your House [REVIEW]

There's Someone Inside Your House
Stephanie Perkins

I received this as an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


5/5 stars.

So, Stephanie Perkins can write about anything, amazingly, I might add. From lovey dovey contemporaries to one of the most gore-filled and thrilling YA novels I’ve ever read. I usually steer away from horror/thrillers for obvious reasons (they scare me) but I couldn’t say no to this one. It’s the only horror I’ve ever anticipated and I was not disappointed! This entire book was exciting to read and I devoured it all in one sitting because I. needed. more. 

For the most part, we follow the POV of a Hawaiian main character in a somewhat new town. Like said in the description of the book, tons of people die. horribly. Weirdly enough, that’s what made the book so enticing. Better yet, you figured out a huge secret to the plot midway and somehow, she was able to keep you on the edge of your seat, flipping through each page like crazy just to know more. The book was able to trick you all the way until you got to this specific scene. For a young adult book, I am pleasantly surprised at what came out of this novel and in the best way possible. It was well done and put together properly. It didn’t feel messy even though she had several key elements. Not only that, but it wasn’t just a thriller either! The backstories of the main character are so important and I love the representation in the characters. (Hawaiian, Hispanic, etc.)

Speaking of the backstories and family dynamic of the characters, this was also key to the plot. I like how her relationship with her parents didn’t automatically fix all the sudden when something tragic had happened. Instead, it revealed that things don’t always work out and some people are always terrible. Our side characters relationship with his brother was also dear to me. I like how this put the spotlight on kids who have guardians that aren’t their parents and sometimes, this is whats better for them. 

This was the perfect horror novel for the upcoming season. I’ll definitely need to pick this up again near Halloween. There’s Someone Inside Your House definitely shows some of her best writing. Stephanie Perkins, the horror/thriller genre has been missing you.

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